The same day my mother wrote her letter, I was able to write and send this letter to some friends.

(Click the image to open it. Scroll down for the transcribed text)

Letter to friends page 1

Dear everyone,
Here I am in prison. This is the third day and already I’ve had more fun than I thought possible. It seems that I was mistaken in believing that this job, like any other job, could be quit. SURPRISE! SURPRISE! I am really a prisoner. I found this out yesterday after passing up an easy chance to escape in order to inform my employers that I wished to leave. Oh, the joy I experienced when they told me the only ways I would leave: I may leave at the end of my sentence, or sooner if paroled. I may also leave if I am considered ill by the various doctors hiding here somewhere. My only other chance to leave is if I do escape. Security has greatly tightened since my first opportunity and I don’t think I’ll get out that way. The whole situation is fucked and I believe I agreed to participate under the condition that, as a volunteer, I could terminate my job at any time. Oh well, I hope everyone is fine and I do hope you get this letter. If there are things that you can’t read in this letter, they’ve been censored. All the mail is.

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