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NBC Chronolog Transcript Page 1

(230) Casette NBC Interview w/prisoner
Tape #12 good qual
I Tell me how you felt being in that prison?
P Well, when I first got there, even though there is a…like I ha
to strip, and go through the process when they would call me names, and
made me look in the mirrors, see how ridiculous I was, and stuff like
that…I still didn’t feel at all like I was in a prison…I was just
looking at it as a job, and–I was told not to talk, say anything.
I was placed in a cell, and there was another prisoner in there but still
I looked at it as a job–the whole first day. I remember I started
talking with the other prisoner we started communicating, as slyly as
possible just so we could get to know each other because I really was
curious as to who else was in there with me. And, as the day progressed
we still were just sort of sitting there waiting, as other prisoners would
be coming in, and I started getting impatient, in fact both of us did.
It eventually got to the point where we were allowed to talk, and by
the time evening came we were upset, and I was thinking it maybe was not
worth the $15 I was getting paid. And I was thinking, that, you know, i
it gets too tough then I’ll just quit, and I was almost giving thought
to it you know, that in a few days I’d try, you know give it a little time
to see how to see how it lasts. Well that night we had dinner, and then
we got to talk, all three prisoners were together–my cell was complete.
We started talking about the various possibilities——one of my cellmates
Doug he suggested that we go on a strike for $50 a day…we’d get all the
prisoners together and we’d say, “we’re not going to continue the
experiment at all unless we get paid more money a day.” You know, we’d
just walk out. I wasn’t really thinking about that–then we were
thinking of maybe just rebelling, because you know, we can do anything
we want. We’re just in there–nothing’s really going to happen to us.

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