Author: Rich Yacco

  • Chronolog Interview Transcript Page 5

    Chronolog Interview Transcript Page 5

    | Transcript Page 1 | Transcript Page 2 | Transcript Page 3 | Transcript Page 4 | Transcript Page 5 | NBC Chronolog Page | (Click the image to open it. Scroll down for the transcribed text) (340) NBC Interview w/prisoner 5 P I still try to look at the guards as people most of…

  • Chronolog Interview Transcript Page 4

    Chronolog Interview Transcript Page 4

    | Transcript Page 1 | Transcript Page 2 | Transcript Page 3 | Transcript Page 4 | Transcript Page 5 | NBC Chronolog Page | (Click the image to open it. Scroll down for the transcribed text) (312) NBC Interview w/prisoner 4 to come down here to Stanford and were going to break us out…

  • Chronolog Interview Transcript Page 3

    Chronolog Interview Transcript Page 3

    | Transcript Page 1 | Transcript Page 2 | Transcript Page 3 | Transcript Page 4 | Transcript Page 5 | NBC Chronolog Page | (Click the image to open it. Scroll down for the transcribed text) (284) NBC Interview w/prisoner 3 escape. I was taken to a bathroom with a guard and at the…

  • Chronolog Interview Transcript Page 2

    Chronolog Interview Transcript Page 2

    | Transcript Page 1 | Transcript Page 2 | Transcript Page 3 | Transcript Page 4 | Transcript Page 5 | NBC Chronolog Page | (Click the image to open it. Scroll down for the transcribed text) (254) NBC Interview w/prisoner 2 I Well, what I really want to get at, in more general terms…

  • Chronolog Interview Transcript Page 1

    Chronolog Interview Transcript Page 1

    | Transcript Page 1 | Transcript Page 2 | Transcript Page 3 | Transcript Page 4 | Transcript Page 5 | NBC Chronolog Page | (Click the image to open it. Scroll down for the transcribed text) (230) Casette NBC Interview w/prisoner Tape #12 good qual I Tell me how you felt being in that…

  • Bound by the Cloak

    Bound by the Cloak

    In early 2023 I was interviewed for this podcast episode that was released January 2, 2024. I was able to share much of my experience.

  • Debunking the Stanford Prison Experiment

    Debunking the Stanford Prison Experiment

    The author of this article in American Psychologist magazine originally contacted me about a documentary he had planned.  When the funding fell through he interviewed me for this article that reveals many things about the experiment of which I was not aware.

  • Stanford Magazine Article

    Stanford Magazine Article

    This 2011 photo from an article in Stanford Magazine was taken when I was teaching inner-city students at Media College Preparatory High School in Oakland, California. I came to agree with the experiment’s conclusion that: people will take on the role-characteristics that society places upon them. I realized that many of my poor, gang-affected students…

  • Human Behavior Experiments

    Human Behavior Experiments

    I was interviewed in my home for this Court TV program produced in 2006. Click the image to view the program. The section on the Stanford Prison Experiments starts around 35:50.

  • NBC Dateline – A Study in Evil

    NBC Dateline – A Study in Evil

    In the summer of 2001 I was invited to the Stanford campus to be interviewed for a special edition of NBC’s Dateline. My father was also invited to participate. My interview began with a visit to the experiment’s location in the basement of the Stanford Psychology Department.  It was the first time I had been…

  • NBC Chronolog

    NBC Chronolog

    Not long after the experiment ended I was one of five participants invited to return to campus and be interviewed by the NBC news magazine, Chronolog.  This was the network’s short-lived version of a show similar to CBS’ 60 minutes. Since interviews used expensive film in those days, the producer asked me several questions before…

  • Media Coverage: Life Magazine

    Media Coverage: Life Magazine

    On August 21, 1971, the day after the experiment ended, an escape attempt resulted in six deaths at San Quentin Prison. On September 9, 1971 the Attica Prison Riot started. It ended on September 13 with the highest number of fatalities in the history of United States prison uprisings. At the time, Life Magazine had…

  • Media Coverage: Ugly Success

    Media Coverage: Ugly Success

    This story was published the day after the experiment ended. (Click the image to open it. Scroll down for the transcribed text)   Stanford ends a too-realistic experiment. Prison Test — An Ugly Success by Marshall Schwartz. A psychological experiment at Stanford University on the dynamics of prison life was terminated a week early yesterday…

  • Media Coverage: Too Real

    Media Coverage: Too Real

    The day the experiment ended the first stories of why it was stopped appeared. (Click the image to open it. Scroll down for the transcribed text)   Prison Experiment Too Realistic. Convicts Breakdown Want Out. by Myron Myers. The mock prison at Stanford University has been such a terrifying experience that three volunteer inmates have…

  • Media Coverage: Head Count

    Media Coverage: Head Count

    News coverage continued throughout the experiment. (Click image to open it.)

  • Media Coverage: Prison Test

    Media Coverage: Prison Test

    My family and I saved some newspaper clippings around the time of the experiment. This story was published the day after it started. (Click the image to open it. Scroll down for the transcribed text) Effects of prison being tested Nine young men are imprisoned in the basement of Stanford University’s Jordan Hall. They were…

  • Pay Stub

    Pay Stub

    The experiment lasted only six days instead of two weeks, and my pay stub shows I participated five days.

  • Paroled


    The next day I was sweeping the hallway in front of the cells when an announcement was made that “Prisoner 1037 will be paroled.” One of my fellow prisoners asked “Who is 1037.” Since we had been using our own names he did not realize it was me. That evening I met with Dr. Zimbardo…

  • Parole Board Meeting

    Parole Board Meeting

    Since I had been told I could not quit the experiment, my only way to leave before its conclusion was to be “paroled.” Before meeting with the “parole board” I was still able to smile during line-ups. I had experienced enough of the experiment and decided I wanted to be released before the upcoming Monday…

  • Self Portrait

    Self Portrait

    I also included with the letter this sketch that I had drawn.

  • Letter to Friends – Page 2

    Letter to Friends – Page 2

    I signed the letter “OFF THE PIGS” to see if that would be censored. The phrase was popular at the time and referred to police, but it was not a phrase I ever used. (Click the image to open it. Scroll down for the transcribed text) This is only the second letter I’ve been able…

  • Letter to Friends – Page 1

    Letter to Friends – Page 1

    The same day my mother wrote her letter, I was able to write and send this letter to some friends. (Click the image to open it. Scroll down for the transcribed text) Dear everyone, Here I am in prison. This is the third day and already I’ve had more fun than I thought possible. It…

  • My Mother’s Letter

    My Mother’s Letter

    I did not learn until after the experiment was over that my mother was so concerned about me that she had sent this letter the next day. (Click the image to open it. Scroll down for the transcribed text) My husband and I visited our son at “Stanford County Prison.” It seemed very real to…

  • During the Visit

    During the Visit

    This photo of my father, in the center with my mother on the right, has been labeled “Distraught visiting parent.” It looks to me that my father is just reacting to the sinus condition he suffered from. My parents were very concerned about my appearance. I told them it was due to having my sleep…

  • Visitors Arriving

    Visitors Arriving

    My parents were among the visitors waiting to meet with us. Source: – Image

  • Best Meal

    Best Meal

    On visiting day we were given the best meal we had had so far, although I do not recall what was served. Source: – Image

  • How to Quit

    How to Quit

    I recall meeting at some point with Dr. Zimbardo and asking about what to do if I wanted to quit the experiment. I was told that I could not quit. I had agreed to take the job and had to stay until the experiment ended. At that point I felt that I had actually made…

  • Returned to Cells

    Returned to Cells

    After Dr. Zimbardo was satisfied the threat of a breakout was over, the prison was reassembled and we were returned to our cells. Source: – Image

  • Prison Dismantled

    Prison Dismantled

    While I remember being blindfolded at times, I do not remember being led upstairs to a temporary location while our “prison” was dismantled. After the experiment I learned Dr. Zimbardo was in the prison hallway to greet anyone planning to help us breakout. He planned to tell them the experiment had ended. Source: –…

  • Informant


    I had no idea at the time this photo was taken, that Doug Korpi’s replacement prisoner was an informant who was there to find out the plans for a prison break. I also learned after the experiment that “the committee with the purpose of protecting experiment participants” did not exist. It was just another ruse…

  • Meals


    I do not remember much about the food we were served, but I think some meals consisted of a slice of bologna between two slices of bread without any condiments. Source: – Image

  • Protecting Experiment Participants

    Protecting Experiment Participants

    After our rebellion, and Doug’s release, I met in a conference room with a young man and woman who identified themselves as students who were part of a committee with the purpose of protecting experiment participants. They asked me about how I was being treated, and if I knew anything about Doug’s plans to break…

  • A Grievance Meeting

    A Grievance Meeting

    I do not remember participating in a grievance meeting as this photo shows, with Dr. Zimbardo in his role as prison superintendent. This may have been after my cellmate, Doug Korpi, had been released from the experiment. I remember discussing with Doug his plan to pretend he was having a mental breakdown so he could…

  • Rebellion


    You can see in this photo that the stocking cap I had been wearing was replaced by a cloth, since the cap was hard to keep on. I do not recall all of the daily activities, but I do remember some parts of our prisoner “rebellion.” We struggled with guards to keep our sleeping cots…

  • Letter Home

    Letter Home

    The next day I was able to write only one letter, so I let my parents know about how I was doing so far. (Click the image to open it. Scroll down for the transcribed text) Dear Mom and Dad, They’ve only allowed me to write one letter so far. If this gets to you…

  • The First Night

    The First Night

    We were told to only use our numbers instead of our actual names when speaking to each other. But in our cells most of us prisoners used our real names. Even some of the guards, when not around their peers, would share their names with us. After going to bed the first night, I remember…

  • Prison Arrival

    Prison Arrival

    I was blindfolded on the way to the “prison” and had to remove all of my clothing upon arrival. I was also sprayed with a powder. I was given flip-flop sandals and something similar to a toga to wear. A small chain was locked around one of my ankles with a padlock. Although I expected…

  • Mug Shot Taken

    Mug Shot Taken

    I do not think the police department is where my mug shot was taken since it shows me wearing the outfit given to me after I arrived at what was named “Stanford County Prison.” Source:

  • My Fingerprints

    My Fingerprints

    I do not recall for certain, but I think the Police Department is where my fingerprints were taken.  

  • Police Department Booking

    Police Department Booking

    I was taken to the Palo Alto Police Department and “booked.” Sources: and – Image 1 from film – Image 2 – Image 3

  • My Arrest

    My Arrest

    Since I did not live in the city of Palo Alto, I was given a home’s address and told to be there the first day of the experiment. After arriving I was told to wait on the porch. When a police officer arrived, he had me step back inside the home, then he proceeded to…

  • Newspaper Ad

    Newspaper Ad

    In 1971, after earning an associates degree at our local community college, I was checking the San Jose Mercury newspaper classified ads for a summer job when one ad similar to this one caught my attention. I was concerned about being drafted into the Army and wondered if I would be willing to go to…

  • Protest March

    Protest March

    This photo was taken in 1970 during one of several protest marches in which I participated. It is similar to how I looked when the experiment started. Protest issues included the Vietnam War, killings at Kent State University (May 4, 1970), and killings at Jackson State College (May 15, 1970).

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